Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I really don't want to sound really whiny when I talk about work. Some people have it good when they work with something they like. I want to know why your first job, can't be like that too? Why does everything have to require some kind of experience when they sometimes say they offer training? I know the common things about working, anything extra can be taught. I do understand, though, why employers would first think about hiring someone. One needs to trust the person, and know if the person can do the job right.

For me, when I don't like something, I can't do it right. I get too tensed up and I lock up. I feel like crying all the time, and I feel like I want to be invisible for the rest of my life. I want to think that at the end of it all, I get paid, but that doesn't motivate me to try my hardest. I know what I like, and that's what I want to do. I just don't know if I'm going to get the opportunity one day. I hope everything comes out just the way I think it will.

To work, one has to give up some freedoms. You can't be at home anymore. You can't be lazy, and work at your pace. You have to be serious, and make everything right. You have to be almost perfect. See, the thing is, no one's perfect. Everyone's different in their work pace. Sometimes, don't you wish that you can find that perfect job and live happily with that?

Well, we only work to sustain our lives here. We have to be happy with what we have. Everything has to be done with hard work because at the end, you feel proud of yourself for working that hard for that paycheck.

I guess I gave myself my own answer about disliking my job, but to keep going.